Sixth Form - Home
Sixth Form - Home


We place great value on subject knowledge and skills as a basis for developing competence and an understanding of the world.  We value the qualifications that students achieve but we also want to ensure that we expand the knowledge and skills that students have, beyond those needed to pass the tests.

We believe in the breadth of learning; the right of students to study maths, literature, history, geography, biology, chemistry, physics, art, design and technology, music, drama, religious education, languages, computing, and PE.  We believe in developing their literacy and their physical and artistic competence alongside empathy within a social and moral framework.

Our curriculum promotes spiritual, moral, social, cultural and physical development alongside creativity and academic work.  Our curriculum encourages students to develop transferable knowledge and make connections between subjects.

These subjects form the basis of knowledge and skills that all pupils are entitled to learn.   We debate very hard what this knowledge is, accepting we may not be 100% right but that the debate will strengthen our curriculum.  We believe that when we teach this knowledge the cultural capital of pupils grows and we get to the key purpose of education; to help students become part of an educated and productive community. 

The intent of our curriculum is therefore to maintain breadth and depth until the end of Year 9 and to bring in choice, supported by effective careers advice and guidance, for the GCSE and A Level years.

Further information about the curriculum for each subject is given in our curriculum overviews.

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


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