Meet the Team
Director of Sixth Form
Mr J O'Hara
Learning Manager(s) - Year 12
Ms J Watson
Learning Manager(s) - Year 13
Mr E Churchill
Form Tutors - Year 12
12PGR/LWE - Mr P Grist / Mrs L Westerman
12BFO - Mr B Foley
12ABO - Mr A Bolger
12SKE - Mr S Keeble
12ARO/PCH - Ms A Rose / Dr P Child
12RFA - Mrs R Fallows
Form Tutors - Year 13
13MSL - Mr M Sloan
13 KAU - Mr K Aughton
13KMA - Mrs K May
13JPH - Mr J Philpott
13SHD - Mrs S Hodgson
13GGO - Mr G Gordon
Pastoral Officer - Sixth Form
Mrs A Simmons
for all pastoral related issues and to discuss issues affecting attendance.
Administration - Sixth Form
Mrs Z Sewell
for all general enquiries and to contact the relevant Learning Manager or Director of Sixth Form