Student Leadership
Student Council
The Student Council process is at the heart of ensuring all students have a voice and have the opportunity to debate, discuss and make positive changes to school life. We have a five stage termly cycle to ensure voices are heard, issues are addressed and necessary actions occur and are communicated.
KJS Student Leadership Programme
The aims of the KJS Student Leadership Programme are;
- To develop and provide opportunities for leadership and service in the school and local community.
- To encourage personal growth of leaders through participation in form, year, house, school, and community events so everyone reaches their maximum educational growth and development.
- To provide a system where students understand and value democratic processes, through such activities as elections, assemblies, discussion, and student voice.
- To contribute to the educational experiences of students by providing them with a positive involvement in the school, with widened areas of responsibilities and with more direct participation in organizing and implementing activities.
- To increase school loyalty and pride.
- To improve understanding and tolerance between and within groups through interaction and communications.
- To provide training and experiences in the skills and techniques of good citizenship and leadership to prepare articulate citizens and leaders for society.
The following roles provide leadership opportunities for all pupils each academic year;
Form Representatives
- To develop student potential and encourage to make a well-informed, honest, interested, and active citizenship.
- To provide a viable means for student expression and an increasing amount of self-direction.
- To facilitate another student voice opportunity and enhance relationship between LM/PO and tutor groups.
Student Council
- Developing democracy as a way of life.
- By providing a forum for student opinions, interests, and desires so these may be understood by all staff and students.
- Providing our students with the power and right to speak and be heard by those in authority.
- To develop leadership skills and ability to help run the school.
House Captains
- To initiate, promote and implement activities with the aim of improving mental and physical wellbeing.
- To increase student involvement and school pride.
- To provide our students with a deeper reason for attending school and the stimulus for developing commitments to worthy goals.
Wellbeing Ambassadors
- To promote respect for the general welfare of our students.
- To initiate, promote and implement activities with the aim of improving of health and wellbeing of our student and leadership.
Subject Champions
- To provide opportunities for reflecting and interpreting the student viewpoint on curriculum content.
- Promote positive student involvement in learning and thinking.
- To capitalise on what happens in some subject areas and ensure across the school e.g. sports council.
- Improve subject representation and profile.
- Foundation Governors – subject reps per year
Peer Mentors
- Either peer coaching or KS5 students mentor KS4 students in each subject. Then KS4 students mentor KS3 students.
- Students support well-being and academic achievements.
- Students are provided with opportunities to learn from other students and ask questions.
- Students develop communication skills